dimanche 1 mars 2009


"Cooks" 1977 (Mother Cleo mcp-lp-7721)
Hot Southern guitar-rock album that blows away everything else in the genre. It’s not “rural rock” at all. There’s a tad of funk influence, but certainly no country. The vocals are snotty and nasal, which actually gives the music a dangerous edge more genuine than the usual throaty he-man voices that go with this kind of thing. Lots of great lead guitar and a real backwoods sleazy vibe. You get the impression these guys’ days are numbered, and they play with that kind of urgency. In the meantime, you wouldn’t want them getting anywhere near your sister, but you’d be honored to let them borrow your guitar. [AM]

7 commentaires:

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Merci Zosopat, wonderfull album i've searched for many years. And of course the greatest blog around delivers. Many many thanks for this treasure.

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Thank you again and again and again and again...

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Muchas Gracias.

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Merci, mon ami.

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This blog is incredible! Digging up all the things I always wondered about! Thanks so much!

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This blog is incredible! Digging up all the things I always wondered about! Thanks so much!

flAsh paradise a dit…

Totally cool lp! Thanks for sharing- You have the best blog anywhere - extremely obscure records! GREAT! THanks!
Any chance on a copy of : CAMBRIDGE -Share a song lp?