samedi 31 octobre 2009


Michael Kegg Party - 100% Prime Filet Rock. 1983
Private Pressing Of Excellent Basement HARD ROCK
With a very raw LOUD guitar sound more in the mid
70's vein

10 commentaires:

Socram a dit…

Private 70s Hard Rock? Wow, thanks again and again and again!

zbln1898 a dit…

A rare album for sure. I'm curious how it will sound.
Merci beaucoup!

myanmar a dit…

I think this will be a realy great album , big thanks for sharing it mes amis.

Anonyme a dit…

Many thanks as always Zosopat, this one looks right up my street.

Sadness a dit…

I`m amazed at some of the bloody rare as hell albums you keep us tuned onto..all best ZoZoPat and amny thanks...keep well

Brocas Crelm a dit…

I'm digging this, it's just on the edge of heavy metal but a little bit behind the times, so it has a 70s vibe. Thanks again, Pat!

Anonyme a dit…

Muy Muy Gracias.

lumpensammler a dit…

Never heard of this band but i'm very happy you made it possible to hear this great album, Thank you.

Anonyme a dit…

thank you very much !
do you have the j.teil band "cooks"?

Aguar a dit…

Hola excelente sitio incluido en

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