samedi 19 septembre 2015


HOPE is among the earliest Christian Rock albums and is a bona fide rare collectors item.

Side One: Where Do You Want to Go? (McKibbin) 3:41/ One Man (Sibley) 4:44/ Find Him (McKibbin) 4:10/ Deliverance (Croegaert) 4:22/ From Thy Father's Hand (Sibley) 5:05.

Side Two: Walkin' Over Hills & Valleys (McKibbin) 4:00/ One of These (Croegaert) 3:32/ Little Things (Klug) 3:05/ Valley of Hope (Sibley) 2:50/ Cold Morning (Croegaert) 4:01/ Everyone Needs (McKibbin) 4:04.

Producer: Jack Richardson for Nimbus IX Productions, Toronto
Recorded at Mantra Sound Co, Ltd., Toronto
A&R Recording in New York
Recording engineer David Green/ Mastering Engineer Frank DeLuna/ Recording technician Rick Capreol/ String & Horn arrangements, David McHugh.

Vocals & guitars - Wayne C. McKibbin
Vocal & piano - James C. Croegaert
Vocal & organ - Boyd R. Sibley
Vocal & bass - David A. Klug
Vocal & drums - Jeff Cozy
Croegaert, organ, and Sibley, piano, on "Valley of Hope" and "From Thy Father's Hand."

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Merci beacoup Zosopat

Cesar Roa a dit…

Thank you very much for this fantastic album.

Anonyme a dit…

Cool record , thanks a lot
Any chance to repost Michael Kegg party , oganookie or Kill devil lp ?

Unknown a dit…

Hi Zosopat, this is my favorite album, but i must tell you that something wrong with your latest rips. i always liked your vinyl rips, but these are very bad. maybe some technical problems...
I hope this Hope album (and Stawbridge and The Bobby's Blues Band)you'll post in the future with the good old quality)Thanks

Anonyme a dit…

It's really a shame. Zosopat has posted so many gems over the years but the quality is usually awful to complete shit. Seems like such a waste to finally unearth this stuff, only to post up a screwed up digital transfer. There's a history of zero quality control on this site and that's a damn shame. I remember a few years ago there was a long string of albums posted here with only the right channel audible. Please, Pat, you are doing a great service to audiophiles everywhere by digging up these rarities and believe me, it's beyond appreciated! Try to invest in a decent USB turntable. They're not expensive and will give you at least passable quality transfers.


  (Produced by Billy Maddox & The Bars Ferry Band) Wasn't able to find out much info about these guys, a twangy bar band from Tupelo...